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Truck Drivers

Trucking Industry Explores New Routes in Talent Requisition ​

The trucking industry has had a bumpy ride over the past few years. Between the ongoing driver shortage and pandemic-related problems, industry veterans are seeking new ways to attract and retain talent to satisfy the ever-increasing need for OTR services.

Making Trucking Accessible to a New Generation​

It’s no secret that the younger generation has a love affair with technology. After all, they’ve been raised with it and have come to depend on it for everyday living. As such, trucking has made a significant investment in ensuring that modern trucks are equipped with various technology tools to help younger drivers feel more at ease behind the wheel.

Additionally, changing demographics and attitudes towards trucking as a profession have meant that the trucking industry has had to change the way it recruits. Instead of advertising trucking as a male-dominated sector, trucking companies are now trying to appeal to all younger candidates regardless of background or demographic representation

Compensation Considerations and Career-Minded Marketing​

Compensation in trucking has always been a concern. While veterans of the industry know that driving can be a very profitable experience, recruiters are now pushing for higher starting salaries to attract younger drivers who may be lured away by more tech-focused industries and office jobs.

In doing this, trucking is also being positioned as a career instead of merely a job. Trucking companies are placing a heavier focus on growth potential within the industry rather than the day-to-day goings-on of being a truck driver.

Reaching Out in New Ways​

Social media is also receiving more attention from the trucking industry when it comes to recruiting and marketing. Younger candidates spend a lot of time online, so it only makes sense for recruiters to meet candidates where they are.

Social media marketing campaigns and recruitment drives over the past few years have placed a strong emphasis on social media outreach, and this has also required an update to promotional materials and tools. The goal of these efforts is to position trucking as a desirable career path for professionals who skirt the lines between blue-collar aspirations, white-collar office work and the “no-collar” tech crowd.

Truck Drivers
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