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The FMCSA requires all interstate carriers to file a MCS-150 or MCS-150B, if a Safety permit is required, every 24 months based on the last two digits of the US DOT number.  The last digit of the number dictates the month and the second to last digit dictates the year.  If the second to last digit is even you report in even number years, an odd digit, you report in odd number years.  Now if there has been a change to your operation, increase in units, change of address, etc. you can file at any time and is recommended.  You can file your MCS-150 online, fax or mail.  A motor carrier that submits similar information to a State as part of its annual vehicle registration requirement under the Performance and Registration Information System (PRISM) complies if it files this information with the appropriate State commercial motor vehicle (CMV) registration office.  The Motor Carrier Identification Report, Form MCS-150, and the Combined Motor Carrier Identification Report and HM Permit Application, Form MCS-150B, with complete instructions, are available from the FMCSA website: (Keyword “MCS-150” or “MCS-150B”); from all FMCSA Service Centers and Division offices nationwide; or by calling 1-800-832-5660.   The report can be updated online at www.fmcsa.dot.gov or by faxing the form to the FMCSA at 703-280-4003.

So, how do I determine when the last time my MCS-150 was updated?

One easy way is to go to the FMCSA safer website.
Enter your DOT # then look at your company snapshot. You will see your “FMCSA Form Date” on the left side of the report. If it is older than two years…. update your MCS-150 ASAP. You can update it right from the above snapshot by hovering your cursor over FMCSA Form Date and click on the link.
  1. When am I required to file a biennial update?
  2. The compliance date for this requirement (49 CFR 390.19) occurred November 1, 2013. Filing schedule:  Each motor carrier or intermodal equipment provider must file the appropriate form at the… Date Updated: 06/23/2020
  3. Is an entity required to file a biennial update if there is no change to its information?
  4. Yes. All entities with a USDOT number are required to file a biennial update every two years according to the prescribed schedule, by the last day of the month. You can file a biennial update… Date Updated: 03/31/2020
  5. Will entities be notified before a biennial update is due?Yes. Beginning November 1, 2013, FMCSA is issuing a warning letter by mail to the address on file at least 30 days in advance of a biennial update deadline.Date Updated: 09/24/2019
  6. Can I go into my local FMCSA Division office to update my US DOT number?No, MCS 150 updates must be done either online, fax or by mail: Online: If your USDOT number is active, you can   begin the online update process. By email:  You can upload a signed… Date Updated: 01/25/2018
  7. How do the biennial update changes in the URS rule affect motor carriers, HMSP applicants/holders, and intermodal equipment providers?Very little. Motor carriers, Hazardous Materials Safety Permit applicants/holders and intermodal equipment providers are already required to update their registration information every 24 months… Date Updated: 11/21/2017
  8. How do you complete the biennial update? Biennial updates can be completed online, by email, by mail, or by fax. Online: If your USDOT Number is active, you may update your registration online. Detailed instructions are… Date Updated: 05/05/2017
  9. What are the penalties for failure to submit the biennial updates?Failure to complete biennial updates to FMCSA will subject the entities to civil penalties of up to $1,000 per day with a maximum penalty of $10,000. Certain for-hire carriers of passengers and… https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/registration/updating-your-registration#biennial-updates.

FMCSA Proposal on Sleeper Berth Flexibility Caught in Regulatory Freeze

At the end of the Trump Administration, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration published a notice proposing a pilot program to evaluate two additional options for splitting sleeper berth periods – a 6/4 split and a 5/5 split. As of September 2020, drivers are now able to use an 8/2 or 7/3 split in their sleeper berth periods to achieve their 10 hours off duty.
Under the proposal, participating drivers would have the option to split their 10 hours of sleeper berth time into two periods, provided that the two periods provide a combined rest amount of at least 10 hours in length. When operating under the pilot program exemption, drivers would be expected to split their sleeper berth time into two periods such that neither period is less than four hours in length; however, drivers would be free to choose whether or not to operate under the exemption based on their schedule. Carriers and drivers desiring to participate would apply to FMCSA for acceptance in the proposed pilot program. But with the change in administrations the proposed pilot program never made it into the Federal Register. President Biden has issued an Executive Order freezing any regulatory proposals from the Trump Administration until they can be reviewed in accordance with new policies. Thus, it is unknown whether the FMCSA will go forward with the sleeper berth pilot program.

Frost Laws in 16 states and 9 Provinces

Spring weather often creates driving challenges. Specifically, the change in ground temperature can damage roads and vehicles and result in “roller coaster” rides from “wavy roads.”
Consequently, motor carriers need to monitor the many state and provincial spring weight restrictions or risk damage to the road and/or the rig.
Be Ready for an Alternate Route
To preserve the integrity of the roadways, many states impose seasonal weight restrictions as early as late February and some lasting into May.
As drivers travel through regions that are experiencing spring thaws, they need to watch for posted signs indicating allowable weights. Signs may also indicate a reduced speed limit.
Trip planning may involve visiting some state websites to know if a specific highway is accessible to your vehicles. In addition, if a driver comes upon a weight restriction, he or she will need to find an alternative route, possibly contacting dispatch for assistance.
To ignore postings may result in more than just fines. It may result in damage to the roads, your vehicle, and/or cargo, and could result in an accident if the roadway is difficult to maneuver.  Click here to view the laws in states and provinces.
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